types of elearning and online education

What Is E-Learning? E-learning is the use of technology to be taught skills and gain knowledge. There are many different types of e-learning that can be utilized, and there many advantages and advantages that come with the use of e-learning to teach.

This article will discuss the different types of e-learning and the advantages and disadvantages that are associated with this method of learning. E-learning is usually classified in various ways, this article will attempt to keep the classifications of each type as simple as possible.

In summary, the different e-learning types can be seen listed below.

Synchronous Online Learning

This type of learning occurs in real-time. This means that all students and the teacher will interact with each other at the same time in the same virtual room. Examples of this type of learning include live-streamed lectures and video conferences that people need to attend at a predefined time.

Asynchronous Online Learning

This type of learning can be done on your own time. You will be given the necessary resources to complete and study from such as lectures, assignments, and reading materials. You can cover these resources at your own pace and on your own schedule, however, the given deadlines still need to be met. Examples of this type of learning include pre-recorded lectures, lecture notes, and virtual resource libraries.

Fixed e-learning refers to a teaching method that everybody has already experienced in school. It involves content that is not changed and is the same for every student. The learning materials are not specifically chosen to help each student better understand the subject. Examples of this type of learning would be using a published textbook that all students study from.

Adaptive E-Learning

This learning type is as the name suggests, it is ‘adaptive’ as the learning materials and resources can be modified to help individual students improve on the areas, they are weak in. These modifications are made by considering different factors such as the student’s abilities, current performance, and skills. This method of learning is more difficult to implement than what is traditionally used, which is ‘fixed’ learning. However, it has powerful advantages that help students learn more effectively.

Linear E-Learning

This type of learning does not allow for two-way communication between the teacher and students. This can be limiting and make it difficult to properly teach students and answer any questions and concerns they have about the work they need to complete. This type of learning is rare today and hasn’t been used in a long time due to it not being effective or efficient.

Interactive Online Learning

This type of learning involves two-way communication between the teacher and students. This lets the teacher modify the material to better help the students learn, as they can ask the teacher any questions, they have about the learning material. This is the opposite of linear learning where two-way communication is not available, and for that reason, this method is greatly preferred because of the advantages that allow for effective teaching.

Individual Online Learning

As the name suggests, this type of learning involves students learning on their own using the given learning resources. There are set goals which all students need to meet, and then the students are told to work towards achieving them. The only skill this type of learning develops is independent learning and not any other important skills such as working in teams.

Collaborative Online Learning

This learning type involves students working together in groups to complete and achieve the learning goals that have been set by the teacher. This lets students develop important skills such as communication and working together in a team to achieve a shared objective. Students are allowed to communicate with each other and figure out the different strengths and weaknesses that are present within the group and allocate different tasks accordingly.

This method of teaching isn’t used too often within online teaching and mostly within the classroom. However, it is still one of the most effective methods of teaching that has been proven to teach students key skills and better understand the subject being taught.

Computer Managed Learning

This type of learning uses a computer to help students achieve their learning goals, provide learning materials, and assess the student’s performance throughout the teaching process. This method can be used to easily check if the student has fully understood the subject, if not, the necessary learning materials on weaknesses shown by the student can be provided to help the student better understand that area of the subject.

Computer-Assisted Instruction

As the name suggests, this type of learning involves learning using the assistance of computers. Computer-assisted instruction is used in classrooms often, for example, students will use interactive software on computers to learn about different subjects. Teachers can also use interactive software to teach the entire class at the same time. This type of learning is used in unison with traditional teaching methods as it is seen as an effective blend of modern and traditional learning.

Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Learning

If you’re wondering whether to take an online course/training or face-to-face training, here’s a comparison table for the e-learning as a whole.

Efficient method of delivering learning materialsLack of face-to-face support
Learning materials are available at any time and anywhereCommunication skills are more difficult to develop
Convenient for learners as many different online learning methods are availableNot effective for all subjects. E.g. those that require hands-on practical experience
Can be personalized for each learner to target the learner’s specific weaknessesTeacher feedback is limited and not as helpful
Saves time and moneyThe quality of teaching and student understanding is not consistent
Resources can be scaled up or down to meet needs.Heavy focus on theory and not practical work
Self-paced learning will help students better understand the learning materials.Assessments are not taken place in a controlled environment, so cheating is easier
Access to metrics which can be used to provide better learning material and teaching approachesTechnological accessibility and problems can disrupt online learning

By combining types of online learning, you can create the best education for your students or pick the best course or training available. Read our other articles and choose the best online stock trading course for beginners or the best PLC programming online course.

We at CourseKillers wish you a pleasant journey in learning more about online education and types of e-leaning!

Tags : elearning typesonline education typestypes of elearningwhat you need to know about elearning types

The author coursekillers_admin

A business owner with 15+ worldwide business and marketing experience. I have four passions: education, handbags, travelling, animals.

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