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Will online courses replace traditional courses?

The COVID has accelerated a global shift towards online in every single aspect of our lives. Education is no exception. After numerous Zoom meetings in 2020, it seems that the approach to education has changed forever. Will online courses replace the traditional courses with time and if so, should we switch our and our children’s education to an online format? Will traditional offline courses and classes be gone for good in just several years?

Let’s take a look at an online education market first.

Elearning platforms were booming even before COVID. According to a 2019 research study, the global E-learning Market was estimated at USD 144 Billion in 2019 and is expected to reach USD 374.3 Billion by 2026. The global E-learning Market is expected to grow at an annual growth rate of USD 14.6% from 2019 to 2026.

Another research company Technavio has been monitoring the online education market and it is poised to grow by $ 247.46 bn during 2020-2024, progressing at an annual growth rate of over 18% during the forecast period.

It’s true that COVID has accelerated the shift towards online education. Soon after it became evident that this was no passing virus, schools and universities speeded up the move towards online teaching – and students and professors adapted quite quickly to the new methods of teaching, learning, and grading. In a lot of countries with slow-paced vaccination, most educational activities are still performed online.

It seems that the end of this shift will the death of traditional education. Still, the future of education is not so black and white anymore – there’s a lot of grey in-between. There are several important concerns with online education that everyone who has completed at least one online class has experienced. Let’s see what professors and students have to say regarding the disadvantages of online classes.

No permanent focus

Online learning has become so widespread for a reason. It’s cheap and convenient. In a lot of cases, it’s even free. Think of any topic you’d love to learn and all you have to do is google it or find a Youtube channel on this topic. Why take the effort of searching for a paid offline class, changing your schedule, getting stuck in traffic, and coming home late?

However, there are fundamental disadvantages to this approach.

In a traditional class, you can immediately address questions to a tutor or one of your peers. What’s even more important you can listen to their questions and concerns regarding the topic, have open communication, and gain insights along the way.

Though you can, by all means, ask questions in any online course (a lot of learning management systems provide a technical ability to do that), unfortunately, in the majority of cases, you can’t get an immediate response which means that the moment when you entirely focus on the topic is gone.

Bottom-line, to learn a topic online you should really – REALLY – be interested in a subject and keep the focus

Poor personal development

What would be the greatest source of changes in our lives? It’s other people.

Being in class, for instance, and asking a question teaches you not only the pure data you get from a tutor but also certain confidence, with debating and discussing ideas spontaneously instead of typing in anonymous questions.

As a matter of fact, e-learning takes away the joy of coming together, engaging, and creating bonds with one-another and understanding different kinds of people, contexts, and cultures. Whenever you’re studying alone in your room you miss debating and discussing ideas over coffee and bagels.

It’s hard to argue that forming friendships online is simply not the same as forging face-to-face bonds. Students sitting at home cannot participate in events like performances, competitions, fairs and mixers that allow them to explore new fields, and develop other aspects of their personalities.

Being in class, for instance, and asking a question teaches you a certain confidence, with debating and discussing ideas spontaneously instead of typing in anonymous questions. Not being on campus takes away the post-class discussions – arguing with a friend over dinner about a point made in class. Digital learning also takes away another crucial aspect of campus life – the opportunity to find new interests and learn new skills by joining clubs and societies. Students sitting at home cannot participate in events like performances, competitions, fairs and mixers that allow them to explore new fields, and develop other aspects of their personalities.

Technical issues are still here

Today everyone can just search for a course they’re interested in, purchase it on a platform like Coursera or Udemy from any part of the world and get access to the experience of the world’s brightest minds. Right?

It’s still not so black and white. To effectively learn anything that is being taught, everyone needs to have a high-speed Internet connection, a well-functioning laptop, and a separate room to sit for ninety minutes at a time without any disruptions or disturbance. These prerequisites are both highly discriminatory and extremely exclusive – if one cannot pay for a good wi-fi connection, or lives in a small apartment where they cannot get a private, quiet area for themselves, online learning can be a challenge.

Motivation challenges

In traditional offline education, the real-time feedback and advice you get from an instructor are key to keeping the focus and motivation. E-learning instructors often don’t interact with students face-to-face and, thus, analyzing each student’s personal performance is a challenge.

Motivation is an even bigger problem. The learning process consumes much effort and time and it’s easy for a student to get discouraged along the way. In traditional education, you get plenty of feedback from your instructor and it’s always possible to verify your understanding and reinforce assessment. In an online course, you often get feedback from different people and it lacks a personal approach.

Are Online Courses Worth It?

Well, will online courses replace traditional education after all? Online courses, e-Learning, and learning management software markets are growing every year. However, I don’t think moving the whole education process to online is a good idea. Deprived of any emotional connection with peers or an ability to listen to other opinions and tutor face-to-face feedback and encouragement, online education is something that will definitely complement offline education but won’t supersede it.

The future of education must be a healthy mix of online and offline – with the former being an add-on to the latter.

What do you think about the future of education? Take this tiny survey, your opinion matters!

Will Online Education Supersede Traditional Education?
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How To Choose The Best Online Course For Your Needs

how to choose the best online course training for your needs step-by-step guide

Whether you’re looking to take a course in digital marketing, plc programming, or stock trading, there’s a huge challenge you’ll face. There are hundreds of online education platforms, coaches, online courses. How do you make a choice? How do you ensure that you don’t waste your money on something you don’t like, understand or need?

CourseKillers team has passed dozens of online courses, training and certifications. Before writing this article, we gathered 23 online course experts in the room and asked them to share how they choose the right online course whenever they want to upgrade their knowledge.

It turns out, they are asking some particular questions and follow pretty much the same procedure. In this post get some tips and tricks for choosing the right online course for you.

1. Setting a Goal

Whatever domain you choose, there are thousands of courses and instructors. Let’s see how to choose the best online course for your needs.

The first step is deciding what you want from a course and why you need it. Do you want a course to improve your skills for work and you want to develop a specific skill? Or a course that is endorsed/recorded by a celebrity? Or maybe a course just to kill some time? Maybe you know which topic you want to study, or maybe you don’t.

It’s time to be honest with yourself. Why do you want to take a course? What are you expecting in terms of knowledge and result? Before you start looking for a course, try to establish exactly what you want or need from it. Try answering these questions:

  • Do you expect career growth and salary increase or do you want to learn something because it’s fun and interesting?
  • In which way your life will be different after the course?
  • Are you willing to take a shorter online course (several hours) or an in-depth course (several months)?
  • Do you want to learn from someone in particular or do you want to learn the domain in general?
  • How much are you willing to spend on an online course?

A special question to ask is whether whatever you want to learn is a hard skill or a soft skill. Do you want to learn how to launch a campaign on Instagram (hard skill) or do you want to become an excellent negotiator?

Is Online Course An Option?

Once the COVID19 pandemic hit the world, everything moved towards online. You can learn anything online. Most probably, if you want to learn something, you’ll be mostly exploring online education.

Some people claim online courses are effective for anything. We at Course Killers after completing over 50 courses both online and offline believe that for most skills online education is a great idea. Here’s why.

Whether it’s building your home, investing in the stock market, master affiliate marketing or learn PLC programming, taking an online course will improve your understanding of the topic and will create a solid foundation for researching the topic even more.

However, there are still some occasions when an online course might not be a good fit. This holds true if you need to develop a certain social skill for working with people such as public speaking, negotiations or teamwork. If this skill is associated with communication, you’ll probably have a hard time master it alone even if there are course instructors to check your hometask.

We believe that the first question that might help is asking yourself: is an online course an option? Will I master the skill I need using all the online materials and techniques?

If the answer is yes, let’s explore the next step.

2. Price: How Much Are You Willing to Pay?

Apparently, the price of one of the most important decision-making factors. In any domain, you can find options pretty much from $10 to $1,000. The question is: what’s the difference and will a $1,000 course make you a better professional than a $10 course?

Paid Courses: How Much Does It Take To Master a Skill?

Normally, a course under $50 is an on-demand video course that’ll give you some basic understanding of the topic. It doesn’t include any content-related support, moderators or home tasks. There are a lot of such courses on Coursera, Udemy, SkillShare and many other online education platforms.

If the price is over $100, there’s normally support or at least a commitment to reply to all questions.

If the course is several hundred dollars, then it most often suggests there’s a whole team to support you and the instructor is ready to reply to all your questions.

Free: Are Free Online Courses Worth It?

In every domain there are free courses. Is it worth to spend money on a course when you can find a free training?

No one wants to work for free. Generally, if a product is free, then it’s probably promoting another product, which is a paid one. Let me put this more clearly. The thing is if you give out all the information in the free course, you won’t be buying a paid one. That’s why most free courses contain only basic information.

Thus, if your goal is to get a basic understanding of the topic, then you might want to start with a free course but be ready that a tutor will be upgrading you to a paid product throughout the course.

3. Create a list of courses and make the comparison

Depending on what you want to learn, there are several resources you might check. We recommend checking Udemy, Coursera, Masterclass and Skillshare as these are the largest platforms that definitely have something to offer.

At Course Killers, we often create a list of all the courses on the subject that seem to be of interest. After that, we create a criteria for exclusion. Your criteria can be

  • experience level (beginner/advanced)
  • price (low-high)
  • feedback (only the courses with rating over 4.5)

After you have an extended list of education options, narrow down your choices using your criteria. After you’re familiar with what the courses cover and who they’re for, you need to check them against the criteria you set out in step one. Which course best meets your needs?

If you find several courses that meet your criteria, don’t worry. Open up each course page, read the course description(s) thoroughly. Though this step seems to be evident, it’s actually one of the most important steps that is often skipped. Take some time to read all course descriptions thoroughly, making sure you know exactly what to expect. As you’ve done some courses in the past, make sure you know how this course is different from what you already know, what kind of support is there, what you will learn.

Should You Trust Feedback?

It’s hard to be objective when it comes to online courses because our criteria set is very different. As we review a lot of online courses and read course feedback thoroughly, we can guarantee there’s no popular course that doesn’t have at least one 1-star review.

‘The instructor speaks too slow’, ‘I can’t understand what he was saying cause it was too fast’. These are reviews from the same course on Udemy. It’s impossible to be great for everyone.

It’s worth checking reviews just to see if there’s something important from your criteria was mentioned. Overall, we’d recommends to go with your gut and not the reviews, especially if there are less than 1,000 reviews left for the course you’re interested in.

4. Choose Your Instructor

It’s very hard to pick up an online course based on the course instructor’s regalia. It turns out even the brightest mind can be a dull fish when it comes to an online course.

So what do you do? A course typically has a preview. Watch all previews to define if you like the instructor’s tone. Check out his/her YouTube, see if he/she’s the person you trust has all it takes to lead you to your goal. Most often, if you trust the person and his/her expertise, that’s enough to enroll in the course.

5. Make your choice and start learning

You’ve browsed, you’ve read the small print, you’ve checked the criteria and, if it’s all gone to plan, you should have a course lined up. The only thing left to do is get started!

If the course doesn’t start for a little while, add a reminder to your calendar or make a note in your diary, so you’re ready when it does start.


In this article we’ve looked at some ways on how to choose the best online course for your needs. Remember that even if the course is online, 80% of the result you get depends on the amount of work you’ve done and questions you’ve asked so be prepared to invest your energy and time and you’ll do great.

Don’t forget to subscribe to Course Killers updates. We review courses from different domains to help you pick the best options for your needs.

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Skillshare review. Honestly, Is it worth it?

There was a time, not so long ago in fact, that to take any sort of study involved treks to the local college to enroll in night classes. Or maybe a correspondence course that was at the whim of the postal service. Not any longer, since the advent of the Internet, online learning has become a huge business. While many are thinking which learning platform is the best, we decided to do a Skillshare review.

Skillshare is an e-learning platform that can teach you a huge variety of skills, simply by watching a series of video lectures on your chosen subject. Of course, as with all good classes, many of the courses involve other learning materials, like worksheets for instance.

Naturally, as with all students, there has to be some social interaction, and in these days of Covid-19, it is nice that Skillshare has ‘interactive community spaces’ where students can discuss the coursework and exchange ideas.

Skillshare has been around since 2010 and was founded in New York by the unpronounceable Michael Kanjanaprakorn and the more benignly named Malcolm Ong. Since its inception the platform has steadily grown into what it has become today.

Skillshare operates both a free version and a premium version, which this article will cover in due course. So, if you’re in a mood to learn and want to see if Skillshare is the platform for you, then let us step inside and see what’s on offer.

What is Skillshare? And what does it have to offer?

We’ve touched briefly on these topics in the introduction, now it’s time to look in a bit more detail.

‘Skillshare offers classes for the masses’

In a nutshell, Skillshare is an online learning resource that offers classes to the masses.

Basically, the Skillshare courses are split into three distinct groups. It may not seem obvious at first how many courses are within those categories, but looks can be deceiving, as of March 2019, Skillshare offers over 27,000 premium classes and more than 2,000 free classes. All of which are somehow stored away in these innocent looking categories.

  • Create
  • Build
  • Thrive

Create is obvious, it is in this category that you will find all classes for the creative people amongst us. If you are looking to learn about subjects such as animation, creative writing, filmmaking, art graphic design, web design. I’m sure you get the picture, if your bent is towards creativity and the arts then this is the section for you.

Moving onto the Build category, it is in here that you will sub-topics that are mainly geared towards business. Included under this slightly misleading heading are sub-topics that include freelancing, leadership skills, marketing, analytics and management.

Thrive is the last in the list, at the time of writing there are only two subclasses in this category, lifestyle and productivity. I confess that initially I wondered whether a subject called Productivity wouldn’t be better placed within the build category.

There is a lot more than might be initially obvious on Skillshare, luckily there is a search bar and a quick search in any given subject will throw a huge range of available classes your way. But what are they like?

Skillshare Review: What Are Classes Like?

This is where Skillshare differs from a lot of online learning sites. There is no hard and fast format to Skillshare classes. Whilst some might only have a few videos for a total class content of under a quarter of an hour. Others might have fifty or so videos, with each one often many minutes long.

Other classes will come with downloadable class content. Usually in the form of PDF worksheets, whilst others are purely whatever the video content is.

As you will be able to tell, there is huge variety of difference class structures and lengths and, honestly, quality as well.

‘Not all classes are equal’

Skillshare is a marketplace, and as such you are better shopping around until you find what you’re looking for. Not all classes are equal.

The creators of the videos, effectively the teachers, are as varied a bunch as the videos and classes they present. Whilst some obviously still have a strong presence and are available to help students, others are nowhere to be seen.

We will delve a bit deeper into the class types later in the article, but for now, we will break the classes available down into two distinct types.

  • Skillshare originals. These are classes that are produced by Skillshare themselves. Often, these courses are produced in conjunction with partners like Mailchimp or Patreon. Others may have celebrity presenters. These are of guaranteed high quality and are almost always made up of several videos of ten minutes or so. These can be watched and resumed as required so all these classes are self-paced courses.
  • User-created content. This is where the real ‘market’ side of Skillshare is. It is as obvious as it sounds, these videos are ‘user’ created. And not all are created equal.

In saying that, there are two points that should be pointed out here.

First, many user-created videos are of incredibly high quality. In my humble opinion, it often outshines the Skillshare originals. The majority of users strive to produce high-quality videos.

Secondly, Skillshare are now auditing user-created videos and dropping whichever ones don’t meet their standards, a commendable policy and one which is required for the long-term standing of the platform.

Naturally, have a look at the reviews of previous students to get a feel for how good a particular class is.

What are the most popular classes on Skillshare?

It is an everchanging list, and of course if your particular passion is for ‘lizard keeping’ or some other obscure subject then it is unlikely that your choice of course will appear on such a list, but a typical list at any given time would look something like this.

The following list is courtesy of Skillshare’s own blog.

Obviously, this is a miniscule fraction of what is available, but as its Skillshare’s own list it can surely be considered as representative of the product.

Celebrities on Skillshare

A growing number of celebrities now have their own classes on Skillshare, mostly in conjunction with Skillshare originals.

This is a clever tactic by Skillshare, not only by getting celebrities like James Franco and Sophia Chang onboard help with the platform’s credibility, but it also has the obvious attraction of generating huge amounts of free publicity.

skillshare review is it worth it

But are the celebrity courses any good?  In my opinion, they are. It wouldn’t make any sense for Skillshare to allow them to go live if they weren’t. Celebrities are a draw. But a draw is no use if it draws you into a product that is sub-par.

Getting Started and using Skillshare

Obviously, you will need an account first. Once you have created this, Skillshare will ask you to fill in a few areas of interest. From this list the platform will be able to determine which classes to suggest for you.

You can also use their browse and search functions to find other courses that may be of interest. You can search the entire Skillshare catalog, but course availability will be limited by your account type. Of course, there are search filters to allow you to narrow your search as some searches can return thousands of hits.

Examples of filters that can be applied are: –

  • Course length. You would never guess what this filter does. Well, you probably have, obviously this is where you can adjust the preferred length of course you are searching for.
  • How recently was the course published. No point in taking a course on the new features available in the spanking new version of Windows 7. This option allows you to get the most recent courses available on whatever terms you’re searching for.
  • Account Type. With this filter, you can select whether you want to see all courses for a search or just the free or premium courses.

There are other options for searching for the right course, including checking out the recommended or trending options. If you see a course you feel you might like to have another look at sometime in the future, you can always add it to your favourites bar.

When you find a course that tickles your fancy, you can click on it to enter the course itself. There will be a video player in the centre of the screen and to the right of that will be a list of all the videos for that course.

You will also be able to see how many students have taken that course in the past, a description of the class and a bio of the teacher. Skillshare members who have previously taken the course will have hopefully left reviews to further guide your choice.

Now you have made your choice let’s have a look at another factor.

Course Interaction and Community Features

Not all courses call for any interaction, but those that do that can often be accessed from the discussion area below the video. Look out for instructions about what to share, perhaps it could be a photoshop project or pictures of a clay jug you made. It all depends on the course.

Once you have posted these, other students can comment on your work and you can comment on theirs. A certain level of politeness seems to the order of the day here. I found it to be generally incredibly supportive, even disasters that were posted and only greeted with friendly advice on how to improve.

What Are ‘Skillshare Workshops’?

If you wanted more interaction within your classes then you should look at the Skillshare workshops. These are more structured than the self-paced courses. Normally, these Workshops have set dates and timelines for students to follow.

You may be asked to have a project in by a certain deadline or to have done certain classes by a particular date.

Naturally, certain class types are more likely to have student participation, for instance you may be asked to provide a sunshine shot for your photography class, but you’re unlikely to be asked to post in a wall that you’ve just laid as part of a bricklayer class.

Back to our Skillshare review: Is Skillshare worth it? And is premium worth paying for?

Let us start the concluding part of this article by asking and almost answering a question I’m sure you’ve all been asking.

Is Skillshare Premium Worth It?

That really depends what you’re after from it. Before you decide, consider the following factors.

  • Are you likely to use it enough
  • Are you happy with the free version
  • Actually, I quite like seeing ads
  • You find the choice of course restrictive
  • Remember you are paying for ‘informal learning’ you will not be issued with any certificates on Skillshare.

If you think that Skillshare premium is for you then the next thing to look at is the cost of the premium package.

Currently the premium offers the first two months for the meagre sum of $1.00 per month. After that it rises to $19.00 per month. If you think you’re there for the long-haul, then an annual membership comes in at $99, which is equivalent of $8.25 per month.


I will conclude this Skillshare review by offering my own thoughts on the platform. It isn’t perfect, but I tell you what it isn’t far off. If you can’t find a course on Skillshare that will interest you then there is no hope for you.

As for the paid v premium, that is very much a matter of personal choice. It would be sensible to have a play about with the free version before making that choice.

Things have come a long way since I set off on that trip to the night-school. Now, I just need to wait for the technology to allow me to share that twenty foot wall I just built.

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7 Top Procreate Online courses & training

best top procreate courses training classes online

Procreate is an app that lets you create awesome images and illustrations easily on an iPad. It is designed for use with Apple’s OS and Apple’s stylus tools in mind and has been quite the game changer when it comes to drawing, sketching, painting, or creating any kind of visual art. 

Why is Procreate So Popular and Better Than Photoshop?

Procreate is a popular tool for digital artists because it allows you to easily delete and correct your work, making your workflow so much faster. The UI is intuitive and is designed with artists in mind, recreating the experience of working with pen, pencils and paper. And within the Procreate app itself, you are able to share your work instantaneously with your friends, family or clients.

Because of the ease of use and the flexibility it provides, Procreate has gained the favor of artists worldwide, with most of them migrating beyond their physical art tools and switching out their desktop sketch setups in exchange for the portability of the Procreate app on their iPads – giving them the chance to work on their projects anywhere, anytime, anyplace.

Procreate Benefits

Working with Procreate feels like you’ve got magic at the tip of your fingers. You can use hand gestures to smoothly zoom in and out of your artwork, and undo changes to your work. Layer adjusting and adding couldn’t be made any easier with the Procreate interface and you can literally create and develop your artwork as quickly as the ideas that come to life in your head.

The Procreate app allows you to organize your projects and artwork in an easy-to-locate gallery format (like in Photoshop). Because Procreate makes it easy when it comes to compatibility, you are able to integrate your workflow between other programs and platforms without worrying about whether the person you’re sending it to can view your projects exactly the way you created them.

Is It Worth It To Learn Procreate Online?

Whether you’re an experienced digital artist/illustrator or a complete beginner looking to gain some new skills, taking Procreate courses online is a simple way for you to upskill yourself without having to attend in-person classes that you might have to commute to from your home and back. This is why we’ve chosen 7 of the best online Procreate Courses that will suit your schedule, no matter how busy you might be.

People take these online courses seriously, and all for good reason – the high-quality training content and post-course support you get is fantastic, allowing you to get started into creating professional, high-quality digital drawings on your iPad in no time.

7 Best Procreate Online Courses (With Reviews)

1. Intro to Procreate: Illustrating on the iPad (Skillshare)

This SkillShare class teaches you how to use Procreated on the iPad Pro with ease. Learn how to create digital illustrations and unlock the potential of your stylus tools. At the end of the class, you’ll be making works of art on a digital screen feel just as natural as using pencil on paper. You’ll also learn how to make a cool time-lapse video of your artwork to be proudly shown to your friends and family.

What’s Different About This Course

This course is written by a full-time illustrator and Procreate user, Brooke Glaser, who’s done artwork that is featured on greeting cards in major grocery stores, home decor stores, magazines and baby clothing. It is best suited for beginners to Procreate or digital art in general.

What You’ll Learn

  • Learn all the hidden tools and gestures in Procreate
  • Use the undo and redo buttons effectively
  • Canvas basics, DPI settings, and Layering settings
  • Project gallery settings
  • Split screen referencing
  • Picking color palettes
  • Brush basics
  • Transforming – moving, resizing, rotating
Simple to understand instructorMight be too basic for experienced users
Very clear instructions
Helpful examples galore
Engaging teacher

Student rating: Exceeded expectations

2. Drawing and Painting on the iPad with Procreate (Udemy)

This course unlocks the full potential of the iPad, turning it into a portable art studio that you can easily bring along with you and create stunning works of art anywhere using Procreate – which is one of the iPad’s top selling apps consistently.

What’s Different About This Course

This course is run by Brad Colbow, a freelance designer and illustrator who does a majority of his work on digital devices such as the iPad pro and the Surface pro.

The lessons in this course focus heavily on examples, which benefit amateur digital artists as well as experienced ones looking to master a new platform.

What You’ll Learn

  • Understanding how all the tools work
  • Drawing and memorizing the use of each tool to maximize workflow
  • How to draw simple comic strips step by step, from panel to background to the strip itself
  • Learn how to produce Speedraw videos that are common on Youtube
  • Learning shortcuts and options
  • Combining all the learning points into a final project
Lots of examplesMay not be suitable for those interested in art other than comic styles
Experienced teacher

Student rating: 4.7 / 5 stars

3. The Beginner’s Guide to Digital Art with Procreate on iPad (Udemy)

A step-by-step course that shows you all the basics of using Procreate on the iPad to draw and make artwork. By learning about all the important tools and how to effectively use them to get the results you want, you can save a tremendous amount of time and get over the learning curve easier with detailed instructions and examples.

What’s Different About This Course

Hours upon hours of video lessons that show you how to improve your Procreate skills. These skills can then be carried over into almost any type of digital art, from manga to cartoons to web comics. You’ll also receive a copy of the actually Procreate file used in the course, so that you can dissect the artwork and reverse-engineer it in order to understand each step taken to create it better.

What You’ll Learn

  • How to use Procreate tools in real-time
  • Professional instructions on how to get up to speed with using Procreate effectively
  • How to save custom brushes and presets
  • Procreate’s built-in recording features for timelapse videos
  • Tips, tricks, shortcuts to maximize workflow
  • Hand gestures and hidden functions
Experienced tutor with multiple courses releasedResource download links seem to be outdated at time of writing
High quality video and audio with the iPad screen and the hands

Student rating: 4.6 / 5 stars

4. The Advanced Guide to Digital Art with Procreate on iPad (Udemy)

This is the level 2 course from the previous one listed above. Learn about the more powerful tools in Procreate that can be used to do things that you never realized you could do. This is for more advanced users who want to elevate their Procreate game and get the most out of the app.

What’s Different About This Course

In an easy to follow, step-by-step way, the instructor shows you how to focus on different areas of the application such as layer functions, quicklines, textures and how to paint with the smudge tool or even using the eraser. Hidden gestures and filter adjustments are covered in this course as well.

What You’ll Learn

  • Alpha lock
  • Referencing
  • Masking
  • And other advanced Layer functions
  • Texture control
  • How to use a particular function in your own work
Included Procreate project file that is used throughout the courseSome users have reported this course as being still too basic
Step-by-step layer descriptions and examples
Fast-forward, rewind or zoom lesson material at anytime
Clear, concise instructions with cues

Student rating: 4.7 / 5 stars

5. Procreate Essentials: The Ultimate Guide (Udemy)

Learn to take your art wherever you go, just like the new wave of nomad illustrators and artists who are seemingly able to travel anywhere they like and still create amazing works of art from their iPad. Memorize all the essential processes and tips and tricks that help you to create the best digital drawings on the most popular and powerful digital art app available on the iPad.

What’s Different About This Course

Artist and illustrator Leo from Ghostpaper leads you through the course and teaches you all of the tools, options and settings he uses to create his digital illustrations. An arsenal of tips, tricks, and tools are explored in this course in order for you to get started with creating right away. Learn the foundations of Procreate so you’ll always be ready to create illustrations on your iPad anytime inspiration strikes.

What You’ll Learn

  • Setting up custom canvas
  • How to use Clipping masks
  • Layer effectively
  • Use reference layers
  • How to tweak hand gestures and gesture controls to be more productive
  • Understand how to use grids for composition
  • Add animation to your artwork
Conducted by highly experienced digital art Youtuber GhostpaperSome users reported that the sequencing of the lessons seems a bit odd (for example the gestures lessons were at the end of course, rather than the beginning)
Easy to understand foundational lessons to reinforce good workflow habits

Student rating: 4.5 / 5 stars

6. Illustrating in Procreate: Drawing a Shareable Timelapse (Skillshare)

Take an in-depth look at the creating process of an experienced digital illustrator, author and filmmaker. Learn how to plan and execute magic and movement in your drawings to create a final, shareable timelapse artwork – with no animation skill necessary.

What’s Different About This Course

Taught from a perspective of a filmmaker rather than just an illustrator, Vashti Harrison shows you her workflow and how she creates blocking, color, lighting, texture and characters to transform everyday environments into whimsically illustrated dreamworlds.

What You’ll Learn

  • Thoughtful planning before even putting your stylus to the screen
  • How to create memorable, charming characters
  • Creating dream-like backgrounds and environments to suit your character
  • Flourishes, effects and lighting tricks in Procreate
  • Blocking out light and texture
  • How to create time-lapses of your artwork
Teaches the overall creative process rather than just teaching toolsFocuses more on drawing than on the timelapse

Student rating: Exceeded Expectations

7. Procreate Masterclass: How to Draw and Paint on iPad Course (Udemy)

Learn how to turn your iPad into a powerful drawing tool using the Procreate app and your Apple Pencil. Access all the features and content in this course from anywhere you are, at your convenience. Learn to effectively navigate through all of the features of Procreate, and understand the core knowledge, theory and practical skills that Procreate professionals take years to master.

What’s Different About This Course

This course is structured to be the clearest and quickest way to enable you to learn to draw and paint using the Procreate app. No fluff, no filler, and no unnecessarily long videos. Each lesson is straight to the point and into the meat and potatoes of what really matters like character creation, world designing, environments and lighting, tool presets and more.

What You’ll Learn

  • How to draw on the iPad on Procreate
  • Functions of each Procreate brush settings
  • Layering, selecting and masking
  • Painting and blending on Procreate
  • Create and install preset brushes
  • How to adjust your artwork, export your art and create timelapses to post online
Course is constantly updated with new resources everytime Procreate grows and advancesNot much in the way of examples or hands on activities in this course
All essential tools like brushes, templates shapes are included

Student rating: 4.6

Final Thoughts

With the increasing number of the population switching out their desktops for the more portable tablet or even powerful smartphones, it only makes sense as an artist to capture this switch to the digital age.

Technology has paved the way for innovation, and the freedom, flexibility and convenience that you get from an app like Procreate when creating your digital artwork on your iPad are just some of the reasons why digital artists swear by Procreate to produce their work. If you want to take the first step into learning how to control this powerful tool to your advantage, the online courses offer you quality lessons that you can take at any time, and from anywhere you are.

We at CourseKillers wish you find a course that’ll make you a Procreate Pro. All the best!

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